Children's Author Visits Middle School Students
Children's Author Visits Middle School Students
June 16, 2014 at 4:46 PM
In an introduction to their narrative writing topic, the Middle School students had a visit last week from children’s author, Gavin Gosney for a writer’s workshop to assist them with their narrative writing.
Gavin is best known for his popular picture books series ‘Sammy Two Shoes’, a cat who gets up to all kinds of adventures. He also runs the ‘Sammy School Project’ workshop where he visits classrooms to talk about creating writing and to promote children’s reading and writing in schools.
The interactive lesson included Gavin discussing the art of perseverance in the students’ writing and that when their work is critiqued, to remember that it is only one opinion.
The students also heard how Gavin includes morals in his stories such as valuable lessons on friendship in ‘Sammy Two Shoes and the Bumble Bee’ or on water safety in ‘Sammy Two Shoes and Baxter Beagle a Kayaking Adventure’.
The students had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and add comments throughout the workshop, and they came away feeling very inspired and motivated from Gavin’s visit. They will soon start their unit on fairy tales, superheroes and short stories.