Charlotte Lee Is Girls’ School’s BLAKE Young Leader Awards Recipient
Charlotte Lee Is Girls’ School’s BLAKE Young Leader Awards Recipient
December 06, 2021 at 11:21 AM
Girls’ School Head Girl Charlotte Lee has been awarded this year’s BLAKE Young Leader Award.
The BLAKE Young Leader Awards is presented every year to students all around New Zealand who have shown great leadership in making positive change towards a better future for our communities and planet earth.
Charlotte is an exemplary role model who has consistently embraced and exhibited our school values. She treats everyone with kindness and respect and approaches all tasks and challenges with a positive attitude. Not only does she exude great enthusiasm and perseverance, Charlotte is also known for her thoughtfulness. She has shown ability to empathise, always aware of the needs of others and is quick to offer help. If there is a job that needs done, Charlotte can always be relied on to deliver them to high standards. An all-rounder, Charlotte applies her best effort to schoolwork and is well organised. In addition to her commitment to academic excellence and leadership role, Charlotte is involved in Theatresports, Netball and Basketball.
Charlottes’ impeccable attitude and behaviour mirrors the admirable qualities of world-famous sailor, adventurer and environmentalist Sir Peter Blake, and will stand her in good stead as she transitions to take on bigger challenges in College next year.
Well done Charlotte!