Celebrating lives dedicated to excellence and service
Celebrating lives dedicated to excellence and service
September 12, 2022 at 2:33 PM
Over 280 esteemed guests graced the inaugural Distinguished Alumni Awards gala dinner on the first weekend of Spring to celebrate four illustrious alumni who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of excellence and in service of others.
The iconic Auckland War Memorial Museum provided a fitting backdrop to pay tribute to these eminent recipients who embody the ethos and values of Saint Kentigern. The majestic event venue was further decorated to fit the black-tie theme, welcoming members of the community, Founder Trustees, former and current Trustees, staff, old collegians, friends of Saint Kentigern and the recipients of the award, all dressed to the nines and ready for an evening of celebration.
In welcoming guests, Trust Board Chair Mr Mark Conelly pointed to our mission as the bedrock of Saint Kentigern. He said, “The importance of inspiring, striving for excellence, for the glory of God and the service of others remain important tenants of how our over 400 staff and over 3000 students across our four schools conduct themselves as they navigate their educational journey through Saint Kentigern for close to 70 years.”
“We are surrounded by men and women alumni who relish their time at Saint Kentigern and know that the experience they had set them on a course to great things. Congratulations to all our inaugural distinguished alumni awardees,” added Mr Conelly.
The ceremony began with Old Collegian and Tenor Sid Chand serenating guests with a lovely number from Les Miserables, ‘Bring Him Home’. Throughout the evening, each recipient, Mr John Beckett, Mr Philip Recordon, Sir Noel Robinson, and Dr Ernest Willoughby, were recognised and invited to share their stories with the audience facilitated by MC Mr Andrew Patterson.
It was a beautiful evening that left guests uplifted, inspired by the accomplishments of fellow alumni and rejoiced that the values and spirit of Saint Kentigern lives on with our graduates as they make their mark in the world.