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Boys' School

Celebrating Excellence and Dedication at 2023 Prizegiving

14 December 2023

Celebrating Excellence and Dedication at 2023 Prizegiving

December 14, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Throughout the academic year, our boys consistently showcased a strong commitment to excellence, achieving success across various facets of school life. As the school year drew to a close, the Boys’ School community gathered for the annual prizegiving, a fitting occasion to recognise and congratulate our boys for their accomplishments in 2023.

The College Sports Centre was abuzz with the Boys’ School community coming together on the final day of the academic calendar to celebrate their various achievements. In his written address, Trust Board Chair Mr Mark Conelly recounted the remarkable year, highlighting the inaugural Founders Day and the launch of the Roselle Lawn Confidence Course. He underscored the positive reception of the Special Character Review earlier in the year, emphasising the enduring significance of the school’s Presbyterian ethos. Mr Conelly congratulated the prize winners and extended best wishes to departing students as they joined the esteemed ranks of Old Boys.

The award ceremony commenced with the presentation of music, speech, and cultural awards, followed by sports awards and academic accolades for each syndicate. Boys’ School Deputy Principal Mr Grayson Aspinall announced the Christian living and service awards as well as the special awards, which were presented by Trust Board member Mrs Kim McGregor and Principal Mr Peter Cassie respectively.

The audience enjoyed well-rehearsed performances by the Jazz Band, Jazz Combo, and the Performers’ Choir. In his principal’s address, Mr Cassie commended the boys for excelling both academically and within the broader community. He acknowledged the hive of activity throughout the year encompassing academic programmes, sports, cultural events, inter-House competitions, and service initiatives, providing the boys with ample opportunities for growth. Mr Cassie highlighted the value of the wider school community, imploring, “I hope you feel as proud of the school as I do”.

The ceremony concluded with graduating Head Boy Ben Roberton delivering his final valedictorian speech, joined by Deputy Head Boy Campbell Williams, as they handed over the mantle of leadership to new Head Boy Harry Simpson and Deputy Head Boy

Tommy Wright. Mr Cassie announced the new leaders, including the prefect team of 2024.

As the ceremony finished, marking the last day for our Year 8 graduates at Saint Kentigern Boys’ School, Ben Roberton shared a metaphor encapsulating the deep-rooted legacy and community he feels after eight years at the Boys’ School. Using the late author Michael Crichton’s words, he likened the Boys’ School to a tree, each student a leaf, and the teachers and staff the soil and nutrients encouraging the leavers as they prepare to land in new soil. 

Congratulations to all the boys who received awards at this year’s prizegiving, and we extend our best wishes to all our Year 8 students as they transition to college.


Special Awards


Middle School Remuera Lions’ Citizenship Award                             Jonty Dwight

Senior School Remuera Lions’ Citizenship Award                              Luke Staples

Brian Matthews’ Citizenship Cup (Junior School)                               Finn Bowkett

Baker/Pilkington Cup (Middle School Year 3 and 4)                           Harry Subbiah

Saint Kentigern Poole Cup (Middle School Year 5 and 6)                   Austin Watson

Senior Citizenship Cup                                                                        Rory Carson

Joel Campbell Memorial Trophy                                                         Eason Liu

Knox Family Lion Heart Award                                                            Samuel Nichols

AW Smith Cup for Middle School Sportsman of the Year                  William Gascoigne

Rex Hooton Cup for School Spirit                                                       Kolo Liku

Dr Sandra K Hastie Cup for Deputy Head Prefect                              Campbell Williams

Saint Kentigern Cup for Head Prefect                                                 Ben Roberton

Team of the Year                                                                                 1st XI Hockey                                                             


Ross Perry Cup for Senior Sportsman of the Year                              Caden Fuatimau         


Jubliee Cup – Proxime Accessit                                                          Harold MacCulloch


Foundation Pupil Cup for Dux                                                            Eason Liu


House Champions                                                                               Cargill