Celebrating the Arts 2016
Celebrating the Arts 2016
October 18, 2016 at 12:17 PM
On any given morning or afternoon of the week - or weekend - the College campus is alive with students following their passion, be it academic, service, sporting or artistic pursuits. From early morning until late into the evening, opportunities abound for our students to be involved.
The Celebrating the Arts evening is an opportunity to join in celebration and reflect back on the year to recognise our many talented performing artists across all disciplines, giving some the opportunity to perform before presenting the 2016 Cultural Awards, culminating in naming the 2016 Performer of the Year.
Hosted by Head of Middle School, Mr Duncan McQueen and 2016 Arts Prefect, Sam Elliot, the evening offered a mix of entertainment. The Jazz Band, Concert Band, The Pipes and Drums, our premier choir, Kentoris, Theatresports and a number of dance groups took to the stage, all with uplifting presentations to conclude the year. Meanwhile, our NCEA Visual Arts students also had their year of work on display.
This has been a fantastic year for our music groups in particular, with triple gold for the Concert Band, Symphony Orchestra and Big Band at the KBB Festival and a national gold for Kentoris at The Big Sing.
Our Senior School productions received 21 nominations for both actors and crew for the Auckland Showdown Awards and we look forward to those results in November.
Our dance programme continues to grow and it is worthy to mention that three of our Year 13 Dance students, Brooke Moody, Blake Tuke and Greer Richie, auditioned and have been accepted to the fulltime dance programme at Brent Street Studio in Sydney next year.
But the main focus of the evening was waiting to hear who would be selected as Performer of the Year. In a year of exceptional performers, one stood out for her immense talent and dedication to the arts - Emily Young.
In a College with so many talented young people who have excelled in a wide range of artistic endeavours this year, the selection of an overall Performer of the Year was not an easy decision to make. This award recognises a student whose achievements as a performer in his or her chosen field have been exceptional during 2016.
Emily Young was named for her remarkable commitment to the Arts Programme at the College. Emily’soutstanding ability spans cello performance, voice, musicals and theatre. While this award is determined solely on the applicants’ achievements in 2016, it would be remiss of us not mention some of her previous successes.
As a cellist, Emily has excelled since taking the principal cello seat in the College Symphony Orchestra as a Year 10 and subsequently leading the section for four years during which time the orchestra received two KBB Music Festival Gold Awards. She has been a member of the Chamber group, Trilogy throughout her time at the College and a member the Chamber Orchestra. In 2015, Emily was a member of the New Zealand Secondary School’s Symphony Orchestra.
Since entering the College, Emily has perhaps found her true passion in voice. As choir leader and a section leader of both Kentoris and Musettes, she has demonstrated the highest levels of leadership and role modelling that we can expect from our students. Kentoris won Best Mixed Choir at the Auckland Regional Big Sing and a Gold Award at the National Finale in Dunedin this year. Emily was also a solo music finalist in a combination of the strings and voice sections in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. This year Emily was awarded the George Turner Wilson Music Trust Scholarship to study voice at University as a Year 13. Emily was also selected for the New Zealand Secondary Student’s choir which toured Canada earlier this year. On stage Emily has had roles in both the Musical and Drama Productions.
Perhaps one of the pivotal achievements for Emily in 2016 was her masterful portrayal of Mrs Lovett in Sweeney Todd. Her exceptional delivery of one of the most challenging roles in Music Theatre was without question a performance highlight of hers for 2016.
Criteria: Covers Choral music, large ensembles and small ensembles. The Pipe & Drums have their own badge but the same criteria apply. The badge is awarded after two full years of membership in an auditioned College Ensemble which involves at least two terms of regular rehearsals and performance.
Ethan Blight
Miyuki Chan
Sid Chand
Isabella Denholm
Claire Gellert
Luca Heard
Elise Hinomoto
Olivia Hofer
Claire Hofman
Luke Iso
Eva Li
Eilidh McGregor
James Milner
John Moon
Karinne Moss
Michael Ng
Sophie Stone
Crystal Sun
Ryan Tourani Rad
Victoria Tse
Max Wang
Bill Yang
Desmond Yong
Criteria: This award applies only to students involved in the Senior Drama Production, Musical, Dance Festival (and any other significant College production). This award is presented to all students participating; be it on stage, cast and crew, make up and technical aspects of productions. The badge will be awarded for involvement in any three productions over any number of years while in the Senior School.
Nicholas Allen
Amelia Ayres
Sheridan Bennett
Callum Bishop
Isabella Bostock
Liam Braithwaite
Alasdair Carmichael-Lowe
Rebecca Funnell
Molly Griffiths
Gabrielle Harnett
Alyssa Hatton
Jessie Hunt
Hannah Lamberton
Iris Lee
Rachael Lewis
Olivia Nobbs
Emily Peart
Thomas Scott
Olivia Shepherd
Laura Smith
Emily Young
Re – Awarded Production
Criteria: These students have met the criteria twice over during their time in Senior School
They have been involved in six major productions during their three years and are acknowledged tonight for their significant contribution to the Performing Arts at the College.
Jaymee Brearley
Bella Conyngham
Jo Crawford
Samuel Elliott & Theatresports
Erin Meek
Georgia van Koningsveld
Criteria: Covers involvement other than the major College productions i.e. Theatre Sports, Sheilah Winn etc. The badge is awarded to members of the Premier Theatre Sports team after one full year of competition. The badge is awarded to member of the Sheilah Winn team over two years competing at regional level.
Will Clark Sheilah Winn
Matis Ellehuus Sheilah Winn
Josh Ellwood Theatresports
Matthew Farnell Theatresports
Vincent Judson-Leitch Theatresports
Natalya Trombitas Theatresports
Re – Awarded Drama
Criteria: These students have met the criteria twice over during their time in Senior School. They have been involved in either Theatre Sports or Sheilah Winn during their time in Senior School and we are acknowledging them tonight for their major contribution to the Performing Arts at the College.
Callum Bishop Theatresports & Sheliah Winn
Josh Clarke Theatresports
Daniel Dashwood Sheliah Winn
Declan Fisher Sheliah Winn
Jordana Grant Theatresports & Sheliah Winn
Alyssa Hatton Theatresports
Kurt Hawkins Theatresports
Both Senior School Drama and Production Badges
Francesca Armstrong Sheliah Winn & Production
James Allan Theatresports &Production
Brett Edwards Sheliah Winn & Production
Both Senior School Music and Production Badges)
Eleanor Buttle Choir, Instrumental Groups & Production
Sophie Maehl Instrumental Groups & Production
Both Senior School Music and Debating Badges
Joshua Looker Instrumental Group (Ensembles/Bands) & Debating
Senior School Music, Drama and Production Badges
Braydon Robinson Choirs & Production & Sheilah Winn
Criteria: Awarded after one full year of involvement if the student has reached the required standard as an auditioned and selected player at full competition level. (NB. The Glengarry Cap badge is awarded on selection to Pipes & Drums)
Matthew Clow Piper
Lewis Hoggard Piper
Gareth Lacey Bass Drummer
James Little Piper
Ryan King Leading Side Drummer
James Milner Piper
Re-awarded Piper & Drums
William Eaddy Pipe Major
Fraser McEwen Drum Major
Criteria: While clearly Chess is not a Performing Art, it falls within the Cultural Awards. Badges are presented to the members of the Premier Team who have competed for at least one full year at the highest level in Chess.
Jonathan Lee
Timothy So
Criteria: This badge is awarded to students who have been involved with the Cultural Group for over two years with a high level of attendance (80% minimum) and demonstration of an advanced level of skill and cultural understanding, together with Leadership through coaching, organisation and mentoring of the group members.
Summer-Jean Motufoua
Viona Silao
Lyla Tapusoa
Tanielu Tele'a
Criteria: Students who have been involved in at least 12 debates in the Premier competition with a clear commitment to competition (equivalent to one full year of involvement). Demonstration of an advanced level of skill.
Andrew Chen
Kurt Hawkins
Tate McGregor
Abigail Pool
Jordan Rogers-Jenkins
Patrick Ye
Best Music Group Choir - Kentoris
Criteria: To qualify for a New Zealand Silver Fern a student must have represented New Zealand in their chosen Performing Arts area in any age group. They must have either trialled or gone through a selection process and competed or performed internationally.
Re-Awards: Tonight we congratulate students who have already received Silver Ferns but have been selected and have actively represented New Zealand again this year.
Maddy Barnett represented NZ at the World Hip Hop Championships again this year. Maddy and her crewplaced 3rd in the Mega Crew Division.
Emily Young represented NZ on an international tour with the NZ Secondary Students Choir in July this year. Members of Kentoris and Menasing had the privilege of hearing Emily perform in the Choir at the National finale in Dunedin.
Thomas Scott’s outstanding contribution to music at the College was rewarded by his selection to the 2016 NZ Secondary Students’ Symphony Orchestra which rehearsed and performed in Christchurch during the April school holidays.