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Carol Services

01 December 2014

Carol Services

December 01, 2014 at 1:14 PM

Each year our Preschool children join with the Girls’ and Boys’ Schools for their annual Carol Service after having lots of singing practice to make sure they are word perfect on the night.

The first service was with the Girls’ School in the wonderful setting of St Mary’s Church with its beautiful stained glass in the nave behind the young choristers. They sang ‘Don’t Tell Anyone;’ the song chosen by the Girls’ School for them to sing. They sang well and loved the chorus with the actions, growing in confidence as they sang.

The following week at the Boys’ School Carol Service in the grandeur of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the children performed ‘Five Little Christmas Trees’ with our ten boys and girls who will be transitioning to school next year taking lead roles.

The carol services are really enjoyable Saint Kentigern community events and our Preschool families love the opportunity for their children to be involved. Our Preschoolers sang beautifully making their families and teachers very proud!