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Care Packs for New Mums at Middlemore

29 August 2016

Care Packs for New Mums at Middlemore

August 29, 2016 at 12:03 PM

Throughout their time at Saint Kentigern, our students are encouraged to consider ways that they can be of service to others both at school and in the community. As they progress through College, service opportunities abound and can be as varied as helping to coach a sports team to building a house for a needy family in Fiji. 

Four years ago, when Mrs Xanthe Noble’s tutor group explored how they could offer service, the needs of new mothers at Middlemore Hospital came to light; of note, the girls learnt that many of these young women arrive at hospital with little and leave unable to afford personal hygiene items. In meeting with staff from Middlemore, it was an eye-opener for our girls to hear of their plight and to learn that for those on a tight budget, necessary sanitary items are often a ‘luxury’ purchase. 

Four years on and Year 13 tutor group, 13XJN, have continued with the initiative to support new mothers with packs of personal hygiene basics to be distributed to women who require the extra assistance on their return home after giving birth. Over time they have delivered over 700 packs to the hospital, the most recent assignment last week.

The girls rely heavily on the support of the Saint Kentigern community, sending out frequent requests for the mini toiletries that are often collected while on holidays. More recently, the request went out for wool to knit baby bootees to add to the packs. The girls would like to especially thank staff members and prolific knitters, Cheryl Hardie, Caroline Thomson, Anita Vandenberghe  and mothers of the girls who have knitted countless bootees for the packs. 

If you can assist with toiletries or wool for knitting, please don’t hesitate to contact the College.