Care Packs for New Mums
Care Packs for New Mums
November 17, 2020 at 3:08 PM
Throughout their time at Saint Kentigern, our students are encouraged to consider ways that they can be of service to others both at school and in the community. As they progress through College, service opportunities abound and can be as varied as helping to coach a sports team to building a house for a needy family in Fiji.
Several years ago, when one of our tutor groups explored how they could offer service, the needs of new mothers at maternity hospitals came to light; of note, the girls learnt that many young women arrive at hospital with little and leave unable to afford personal hygiene items. In those early days, a meeting with staff from Middlemore, proved an eye-opener for our girls as they learnt that for those on a tight budget, necessary sanitary items are often a ‘luxury’ purchase.
The ‘Middlemore Project’ was created with the aim of helping new mums and their babies by providing them with a little bag of toiletries and knitted garments for their new-born. Over the years, successive groups of girls have championed the cause and this year was no different. A group of Year 10 students have devoted their lunch times to collating items to prepare giftbags for the maternity wards at either Middlemore Hospital or Botany Downs Maternity Unit.
The girls rely on our families to bring unused toiletries from their trips and stays in hotels during the year and the generous work of knitters who contribute blankets, hats, mittens, bootees in an array of colours and patterns.
This year, despite the lockdowns, the girls prepared over 500 bags for donation to the Botany Downs Maternity Unit. The girls loved putting the parcels together, knowing that they make a difference to new mums who might otherwise struggle to provide for themselves and their new baby.
The girls plan to continue this project throughout 2021 and would like to remind all our families to continue to collect unused toiletries during the summer months and to carry on knitting!
If you can assist with toiletries or wool for knitting, please don’t hesitate to contact the College.