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Girls' School

Building a Love for Poetry and Writing

20 May 2021

Building a Love for Poetry and Writing

May 20, 2021 at 11:15 AM

Writing your thoughts down on paper can be easy but writing your thoughts in form of a poem can be a challenge; a challenge that our Girls’ School Junior students welcomed with ease in this week’s Rainbow Poetry Workshop with Hamilton Author, Judi Billcliff.

Set up in the library, the workshop focused on creating ideas from an emotion, and learning how to write and structure a poem from that idea. The girls had great fun listening to Mrs Billcliff tell her stories and share her ideas, they had even more fun putting their pen to paper and writing their own poems and sharing their ideas.
We thank Mrs Billcliff for her time, energy and enthusiasm, this really helped our young ones to further develop their love for poetry and writing.

Here are some comments from our Year 4 students:
‘I learnt that poetry writing is easy, it’s not as hard as you think’
‘I learnt to layer ideas – take one thought and then add one idea upon another’
‘Poets are robbers and steal ideas from everywhere – it’s a great thing’

Poetry at Saint Kentigern Girls’ School
Poetry writing is one of the genres in the Girls’ School English curriculum as it promotes literacy, motivates students to read, teaches them about sound, builds their vocabulary, encourages creativity, and improves spelling and reading aloud – all vital skills that the girls need as they move through the school and beyond.

Later in the year, the juniors are required to create and choose an original poem to present to the class to help develop their oral language skills and confidence. They will then work towards a Poetry Showcase, where they will present a class poem as well as individual poems to their families.