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Bruce House Dinner for students from the 1970's and 1980's

20 November 2012

Bruce House Dinner for students from the 1970's and 1980's

November 20, 2012 at 1:21 PM

Following on from the success of last year’s Bruce House reunion dinner, a further evening was organised this year for those who were boarders at Bruce House in the 1970’s and 80’s.

On a cold spring evening, a group of over 90 former Bruce House boarders gathered, some with their partners, on the Dining Room Terrace for pre-dinner drinks.  It was hard to believe that it was over 30 years since some of them had been boarders and yet the stories were still fresh as they reminisced about their times at the House.  Old Collegians’ Piper Gordon Elder let the guests to dinner in the Bruce House Dining Hall. 

President of the Old Collegians, Andrew Morgan, welcomed the special guests who included

Betty MacFarlan, Judy Stone and Nigel Toy.  Sadly Ron Stone, Housemaster of Bruce House for many years and one of the guest speakers was unavailable due to illness.  Andrew Morgan made mention of his valuable contribution to Bruce House in his address to the boarders.

Mr Warwick Bell, Housemaster 1981-1984 was the first guest speaker. Warwick was a boarder himself back in the 1950’s and later an Associate Headmaster at the College.  He still works part-time to this day in the Admissions Department and with some of the College archives.

Warwick began by reading a greeting and message from Ron Stone.  In his speech, Warwick reminisced of occasions in the 70’s and 80’s and then spoke of the developments in the 80’s as Bruce House redeveloped to meet the challenges and demands of changing times and how it had retained its integral part in the life and traditions of the College.  He concluded:

‘When you visit now you will of course see great physical changes in the Saint Kentigern College from the place you knew in the 70’s and 80’s.  As one who still works here, I can assure that this is today a great College, a College of marvellous opportunities for boys and girls, a College with high standards and aspirations, a College at the top of achievement in many sporting, cultural, musical and academic areas – but also a College which educates a whole range of boys and girls with all levels of abilities and interests and enables them to graduate from its stimulating environment as young men and women who know who they are and where they are going in the world.  And at its centre, still, is Bruce House.’

Mr Steve Cole, Head of College, gave the boarders an update of vibrant life of the College.  He also commented on the many successes the various teams, individual and cultural groups have had this year.

At the end of dinner, Andrew Morgan asked from comments from the floor and we were subjected to many interesting and amusing tales from 50th age groups.

The evening finished with the singing of the School Song, and many stayed on much later to chat about the good old days!