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Bruce House 1950s and ’60s Back to School for Annual Reunion

18 December 2023

Bruce House 1950s and ’60s Back to School for Annual Reunion

December 18, 2023 at 3:27 PM

The second annual Bruce House ’50s and ’60s Boarders Reunion coincided with Saint Andrew’s Day once again this year. On 30 November, over fifty boarders from the 1950s and 1960s came back to the College campus, including many familiar faces from the 2022 inaugural gathering and a few new ones.

The nostalgia was apparent from the very beginning of the afternoon. Old housemates embraced each other upon arrival at Bruce House, eager to dive in and reminisce about their days at the College as well as the many years in between. Once welcomed by College Principal Mr Damon Emtage, they sat down for a classic Bruce House lunch ripe with plenty of roast potatoes and beef, salad, and the cult-favourite dinner rolls. College Chaplain (and former House Master himself) Reverend David Smith gave thanks, and the group tucked into their lunch, continuing discussions about their old roommates, matrons, and the House Masters in their day.

Following lunch, the Old Collegians were taken on a tour of the school, starting with the most familiar location – the Bruce House dorm quarters. Many took the opportunity to peek into what was their old room, commenting on how ‘lush’ it has become!

The tour moved to the Jubilee Sports Centre and Nigel Toy Sports Lounge overlooking the #1 fields, through the Jack Paine Centre housing the technology subjects, past the new Science Centre and Elliott Hall (which was for most both the assembly hall and school gym for indoor PE lessons), and finally on to the Chapel. 

There they heard from Executive Trustee Dr Kevin Morris and Director of Saint Kentigern Foundation Mr Richard Lindroos about the future plans of the College, both in building projects and in the Foundation.

As is tradition, any foundation student of Bruce House who attends a reunion is presented with a framed photo from 1954 of himself and his fellow boarders. Mr John Rennie was presented with his frame to join the ranks of the six former pupils who received theirs last year. 

Throughout the gathering, it was precious to witness the amazing fellowship and friendship that has been kept over the years. We would like to thank all who attended for taking the time to join us. We look forward to welcoming past boarders back to Bruce House and the College on 30 November 2024.