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Boys' School

Boys’ Senior School Leavers’ Tie Presentation

21 November 2016

Boys’ Senior School Leavers’ Tie Presentation

November 21, 2016 at 3:39 PM

Last week, the Boys’ School started their farewells to Year 8 at a special assembly in their honour.  It only seems like yesterday that we watched the 2015 Year 7s transition into being the Year 8 leaders of 2016. 

The focus of the assembly was the presentation of the leavers’ tie. As the Year 3 boys are also graduating from Junior to Middle School; the presentation of the tie is a privilege reserved for them. As the Year 8 classes got up one by one, the younger boys presented them with their parting gift.  As the seniors sang ‘Let’s see how far we’ve come’ to the rest of the school and staff members, Year 8 student, Ben Ross, accompanied them on the piano. The Year 8 leavers then stepped forward to perform a rousing Haka. 

Dean of Senior School, Mr Richard Kirk explained to the leavers that they are embarking on a new chapter next year, even though they still have a couple weeks left at the Boys’ School, they are soon going to find themselves in a very different environment. 

He said, ‘You go from being the leaders here, to the youngest members of a new school where you will meet new people, new staff and have great expectations placed upon you. I know that if you continue to conduct yourselves in the way you have here, and take all the experiences you have had, both positive ones and negative, you will adapt and thrive in your new environment.’ 

Mr Kirk then continued by adding his ‘two cents’ for what it was worth. He told the leavers to continue to be themselves. ‘Every one of has plenty to offer in a wide range of areas. Be proud of who you are, where you have come from and take every opportunity offered to you with both hands.  Our world is changing daily and it is you who are going to shape the future for the rest of us,’ Mr Kirk said. 

Head Boy, Isaac Mellis-Glynn, started at the Boys’ School eight years ago, along with around thirty other boys. He said, ‘Along with most other Year 8’s here today, I have a feeling of thankfulness and gratitude that I have attended this fantastic school.’

Isaac encouraged the Year 6s, who in a few months will be moving into the Senior School, to take everything that comes their way by the ‘scruff of the neck’, as some of the opportunities offered at Saint Kentigern are once in a life time.

He said, ‘I also encourage you to be a risk taker but most of all to enjoy the Senior School and all it has to offer. There will be both triumphs and challenges in the senior school, but what defines you is not how many of either of them you have but how you react to them.’

We wish the Year 8 leavers all the best for their next school adventures!