Boys' School Year 7 Camp
Boys' School Year 7 Camp
March 03, 2020 at 11:58 AM
A Camp of Two Halves
Whangarei Heads was a fantastic destination for the Boys’ School Year 7 Camp this year. A large contingent of 137 boys were transported to this beautiful part of the country, to camp out on the Whangarei Heads and learn new skills.
On arrival, the Tutor Groups were split between two campsites - Camp Manaia, a more traditional campsite, and Jagger Camp, which is wild and rustic without any boundaries! Halfway through the week, the groups swapped over to ensure that all boys could enjoy the two very different camp experiences.
At Camp Manaia, the boys took on raft building, kayaking and paddle boarding – all with a streak of competitive spirit as each group tried to outdo the other! Ascending Mount Manaia was a highlight as the boys climbed up over one thousand steps to reach the top and take in the breath-taking views across the Heads. The boys slept in tents or in dormitories and were treated to delicious cooked meals. Glorious comfort compared to the basics at Jagger Camp!
Jagger Camp is designed to bring out the bushman in every boy! The boys experienced sleeping under the stars in hammocks, for many a first experience, as was sleeping on the sand dunes. The stars were brilliant!
Making fire using bows and natural materials, flax weaving and flax arrows were a few of the activities that the boys undertook. The magical moments of being on Ocean Beach without another soul in sight was also a beautiful experience.
With the dedicated assistance from Mr Hansen, many snapper were pulled out of the ocean using the Torpedo. Fish pie was on the menu along with smoked fish pate. All the boys contributed to the cooking making self-created pizzas baked in a rustic pizza oven, chocolate cake, cinnamon rolls and curry. A talented bunch of junior Master Chefs determined to whip up a fine meal!
The boys report on their experience:
Niko Arlidge, Year 7:
‘Have you ever slept in the sand dunes? Have you ever made fire with a bow and arrow? Have you ever gone fishing at 6 o’clock in the morning? We all did this at Year 7 camp, and it was amazing!
I really enjoyed going to the Year 7 camp because we did so many things out of my comfort zone, like sleeping in hammocks and paddle-boarding with 10 people on the board! It was big! I felt happy at camp, because I was lucky enough that my Mum could also come! Some of my favourite activities were weaving the flax into bracelets and headbands, paddle-boarding and jumping off the pontoon, walking up Mount Manaia, and watching the snapper come in on the long line. On the walk-up Mount Manaia, our leader told us about all the native plants in the bushes. I learnt lots about Totara, Kawakawa, and Manuka.
I had a great experience, and I was very sad to leave.’
Dylan Robinson, Year 7:
‘This Camp was outstanding! The opportunities that came and the challenges we faced made this the best possible camp. We all made lots of friends and formed strong bonds. Everyone had challenges at camp that we had to overcome like climbing Mount Manaia, but it was all worth it because you came back down to tell everyone about your achievement. Some of my all-time highlights were: Summiting Mount Manaia, walking to Jagger Camp, sleeping the night in a hammock and last of all, learning that possums like Pringles! This camp was great, and I can’t wait to see what the next camp has in store.
Finn Maling, Year 7:
‘This year was my first year at Saint Kentigern Boys’ School and I was BLOWN away by the camp experience! The programme had a very big window of opportunity available to learn, get to know each other and make new friends. At camp we learnt numerous things that can help us in the outdoors in the future such as fire creation including, paracord workshop, flax weaving and much more.
The best and most helpful part about camp was to get to know our teachers and peers alike. If you plan to go to Whangarei Heads, you and your mates are in for a treat!’
Daley Duffy, Year 7:
'Year 7 camp gave me the opportunity to climb up Mt Manaia with my friends. Camp taught me how to work collaboratively with everybody in my group,Camp also taught me about the boys in my tutor group to become friends with all of them. At Jaggers Camp I learnt how to make fire with wood while having a good time with my buddies. I learnt new things like flax weaving that I didn't even think I would have a clue to do. Camp gave me time to learn new things, take responsibility for myself and to work to always achieve everything even if it's difficult.'