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Boys' School

Boys' School Senior Athletics

12 November 2020

Boys' School Senior Athletics

November 12, 2020 at 9:36 AM

After the Middle School athletics was postponed the previous day by rain, it was fingers crossed for the Senior School Athletics to go ahead yesterday! Despite the cold, blustery conditions, and the track and field well-soaked from the rain, the boys in Year 7&8 arrived at the Pakuranga Athletics Club in Lloyd Elsmore Park ready for action!

As the competitive running, throwing and jumping got underway, every boy gave every event every ounce of his energy! No matter his ability, the determination on each face to give his best was fantastic to see!

Year 7 champion, Leofe Usufono was also a record breaker, jumping a whopping 5.14m in the long jump! Well done Leofe!

With the final races of the day complete, Principal Mr Peter Cassie told the boys that their effort had been outstanding and the winners had been well challenged for their places by those who were pushing from behind.

As always, we were truly grateful to the willing band of parents who offered their assistance, taking the role of timekeepers in all the races from 100-800m – with a range of heats and finals, a huge number of boys flashed past them at the finish line! A sincere thank you for your help and good humour!

House winners will be determined once all the athletics events are complete in two weeks’ time.

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Year 7 Champions


Leofe Usufono HA


Angus Paterson CH


Max Trankels HA

Year 8 Champions


Pierce Gault CA


Sam Jancys CH


Ari Taylor WI