Boys' School Prizegiving 2016
Boys' School Prizegiving 2016
December 09, 2016 at 3:06 PM
A Celebration of Excellence
Pipers David Allan and Cameron Dean led our staff and invited guests into the very last Saint Kentigern event of the year, the Boys’ School Prizegiving. Students, their families, guests and teachers filled the Old Collegians Sport Centre, at the College campus, to congratulate this year’s prize winners on their academic, sporting and cultural success.
This year the Junior School Awards were presented by retiring Junior School Dean, Mrs Linda Reid, we thank her for her ten years of service in the Junior School. Longstanding Trust Board member and School advocate, Mrs Rosemary Harris presented the Middle School Awards with fellow Trust Board members, Dr Bruce Goodfellow, Dr John Kernohan and Dr Glen Pettigrove also performing duties. Mr Peter Nelson, affectionately known as ‘Old Boy No. 20,’presented the sports awards. We sincerely thank them for their time and their constant support of the School.
The final awards of the morning, the ‘special awards,’ were presented by Principal, Mr Peter Cassie. The Remuera Lions Citizenship Awards were awarded to Benjamin Hardie and Akash Mudalier. The Brian Matthews Citizenship Cup went to Max Trankels for consistently showing empathy to others and being responsible and courteous in the Junior School. Oliver Rowntree and Isaac Mellis-Glynn received the Middle and Senior School Citizenship Cups respectively for their outstanding service and leadership. The Joel Campbell Memorial Trophy, for service to others, went to Benjamin Ross. For displaying true grit and spirit in the sporting arena, Jourdan Klink received the Knox Family Lion Heart Award. Brodey Warren and Adam Tamati were the Sportsman of the Year recipients for the Middle and Senior School respectively. Bradley McCarthy has demonstrated diligence, cooperation, courtesy, sportsmanship and friendliness to earn the Rex Hooton Cup for School Spirit. With an average grade of 92.75%, Isaac Mellis-Glynn finished as the Proxime Accessit, with Matthew Chandler named Dux of the School with an average of 94.075%.
It’s three years since Mr Cassie set himself a goal and rashly declared that he would pipe himself into the 2016 prizegiving! In his address, he said that his ‘failure’ to do so gave cause for reflection, having discovered the ‘challenge’ proved bigger than he anticipated. He said, ‘Making mistakes and failure is a necessary part of the learning process. If we don’t make mistakes or experience failure, it implies we are not challenging ourselves, thereby restricting new opportunities. We all have dreams and mine was to pipe myself into Prizegiving. Dreams are great, however, if you’re not prepared to put in the hard yards then they will always remain, just that …….a dream. Challenge yourselves and be prepared to do the hard yards!’
During the course of the ceremony, we heard from our Pipes and Drums, Jazz musicians and Performers’ Choir, again reminding us of the strength of the music programme at the School.
To conclude, graduating Head Boy, Isaac Mellis-Glynn made his final Valedictory Speech, before handing the mantel of leadership to the new Head Boy for 2017, George Beca. Isaac shared his eight years as a Saint Kentigern boy highlighting all he had enjoyed but most importantly, he said, ‘My time here has taught me the values of a true Son of Kentigern. It has taught me to have respect for everything and everyone, to show integrity and be truthful in all that you do, to serve others whether it be in your home, at school or in the wider community, to strive for excellence in all facets of school life and finally to show love and kindness to others.’
In their final act as students of the Boys’ School, the Year 8 boys joined the official party as they filed out of the Sports Centre. Congratulations to all of the boys who received awards and we wish our Year 8s well as they move on to secondary school.
Matthew Chandler
Matthew has strived for excellence in all areas of the curriculum during his time at Saint Kentigern Boys’ School. This year his combined marks were: English 89%, Maths 96%, Social Science 97%, Science 94.3% creating a total 376.3 and an average 94.075%. In his examination marks only Matthew earned: English 94%, Maths 95%, Social Science 95%, Science 95%. This was a total of 379 with an average of 94.075%. Matthew is a worthy recipient of the Foundation Pupil Cup for Dux.
Isaac Mellis-Glynn
The Jubilee Cup for Proxime Accessit was awarded to Isaac Mellis-Glynn and is a deserving recipient. Isaac’s combined marks were: English 88%, Maths 92.7%, Social Science 96%, Science 98.5% creating a total of 375.2 with an average of 93.8%. In his examination marks only, Isaac earned: English 85%, Maths 96%, Social Science 92%, Science 98%, giving a total of 371 with an average of 92.75%
Adam Tamati
The Ross Perry Cup for Senior Sportsman of the Year goes to Adam Tamati who has represented the School in many sporting codes: 1st XV Rugby team, 1st XV Rugby Captain, Auckland U13 Rugby team, Eastern Zone Athletics team, Inter Zone Athletics team, Eastern Zone Swimming team, Inter Zone Swimming team, Year 7/8 A Softball team, Year 7/8 A Basketball team and the Year 7/8 A Water polo team which won Tim Sonderer Memorial Trophy, AIMS Games and Auckland Eastern League