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Boys' School

Boys' School Prizegiving

11 December 2013

Boys' School Prizegiving

December 11, 2013 at 9:38 AM

The Boys’ School Prizegiving for 2013 was a change of format which brought the Junior, Middle and Senior School prize winners together for one ceremony. To accommodate the increase in numbers, the students, their families, invited guests and staff members gathered at the Sports Centre on the College campus to congratulate this year’s prize winners on their academic, sporting and cultural success.

Dr Bruce Goodfellow, Chairman of the Trust Board, opened with an address that reflected back on 60 years of Saint Kentigern history. The College first opened in 1953 in a humble fashion with just 92 boys sharing three wooden classrooms. The Boys’ School was opened six years later in 1959. Over the intervening years, the roll has grown to almost 2,400 boys and girls aged 3-18 over four schools on three campuses. Dr Goodfellow encouraged the boys who were returning in 2014 to make the most of every opportunity, and to the boys who were leaving, he hoped they continued to live the Saint Kentigern Way and wished them every success.

As is traditional, the staff who are leaving came forward to present the awards. Mrs Jane Mackie presented the Junior School Academic Awards, Mrs Barbara Burgess, presented the Music, Speech and Cultural Awards and Mrs Denise Coleman, presented the Sports Awards. We thank them for their years of loyal service and wish them well as they move on.  

In his address, Principal, Mr Peter Cassie said ‘Today marks the final and formal conclusion to the 2013 academic year. It is fitting that we are gathered as an entire community to celebrate the achievements and successes of all students as they are the ones who have combined to make this such a special year. To those in Year 0 who have just begun their educational journey in the school system, to those in Year 8 who are well-prepared, excited and ready to embark on the next stage of their education, it is right that we recognise the huge contribution and many successes you have achieved academically, culturally or on the sports field, as well as acknowledging the very real service and citizenship that you have provided.’

Mr Cassie also gave his thanks to all staff whether teaching, administration or grounds, and said that ‘the school is a credit to you due to your commitment, enthusiasm and attention to detail in all that is asked of you.’ He paid tribute to Head Boy of 2013, Edward Wilkes, by saying, ‘You have completed an outstanding year and have been an inspiration to your generation. You have led by example and the pride you display has been evident throughout the year.’ To summarise, Mr Cassie left the audience with the following thoughts on winners, ‘To be a real winner requires an attitude where the head and the heart need to be aligned.Winners plan and prepare to win, and the key word is preparation. Let 2014 be your year to be a winner!’

Between awards, the guests were entertained by a selection of our talented musicians. The clarinet quartet performed ‘Jumping Clarinets’ and the Jazz Band, one of the School’s showcase groups, displayed their talents with their recital of ‘It Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t Got That Swing.’ The final musical ensemble for the morning was the Performer’s Choir, an auditioned choir for boys in Year 6-8, who along with a special guest from the College, Year 13 soloist, Manase Latu, sang ‘Sleep Holy Child.’

To conclude, graduating Head Boy, Edward Wilkes made his final Valedictory Speech before handing the mantel of leadership to the new Head Boy for 2014, Benjamin Lerner. Edward shared three important beliefs that have guided him over the past eight years at the Boys’ School – to be good, work hard and smile! Edward has certainly been known for all three! He expressed to his fellow leavers that, ‘We all have received the best foundation possible and that the values of the School will be carried with us for the rest of our lives.’

Daniel has been a self-motivated and diligent student who has received many awards for excellence during his time at the School. This year his combined marks were: English 95.8%, Maths 85.4% Social Science 89.8% Science 91% creating a total of 362 and an average of 90.5%. In his examination marks only, Daniel received: English 94%, Maths 89%, Social Science 82%, Science 91%.This was a total of 356 with a grade average of 89%. Daniel is a worthy recipient of the Foundation Pupil Cup for Dux.

The Jubilee Cup for Proxime Accessit was awarded to Jonathon Danesh-Clough. Jonathon’s combined marks of English 89%, Maths 89.8%, Social Science 91.2%, Science 86% created a total of 356 and an average of 89%. In his examination marks only he received English 89%, Maths 91%, Social Science 86.5%, Science 86%. This was a total 352.5 with a grade average of 88.125%.

Additional Special Prizes:
Middle School Lions’ Citizenship Award:                       Fintan Wong
Senior School Lions’ Citizenship Award:                       Angus Williams
Brian Matthew’s Citizenship Cup (Junior School):              Austin McKegg
Junior Citizenship Cup (Middle School):                        Michael Hiddleston
Senior Citizenship Cup:                                        Edward Wilkes
Rex Hooton Cup for School Spirit:                             Lewis Elliott
Joel Campbell Memorial Trophy:                               Mark Hutchinson
AW Smith Cup for Middle School Sportsman of the Year:     Will Bason
The Ross Perry Cup for Senior Sportsman of the Year:       Charlie Knox