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Boys' School

Boys’ School Music Extravaganza

31 August 2017

Boys’ School Music Extravaganza

August 31, 2017 at 12:18 PM

Can you imagine a world without music? No songs, no tunes, no rock, no roll, no jazz, no hymns, no pop, no symphonies, no singing in the shower! In ‘that’ world, school music programmes, choirs, bands and orchestras would have no place. How thankful to know that we live in ‘this’ world; a world that has the gift of music!

Last night, those who attended the Music Extravaganza at the Boys’ School enjoyed that gift; delivered by a range of boys with the gift of musical talent. Hosted by students, Zavier Edmonds and Oscar Van Druten, the concert opened with the largest ensemble, the Symphonic Orchestra playing ‘Gonna Fly Now’ and ‘When I’m 64.’ This group has experienced instrumentalists playing alongside those who are just beginning, to give the new players support and experience. 

The evening was filled with some fantastic solo performances from our more accomplished young musicians, showing a depth and breadth of talent on a range of instruments. Following their opening numbers, the orchestra stayed on stage to accompany young vocalist, Charles Adams with his confident performance of Edelweiss. From piano to violin, trumpet and guitar, and performances from the flute group, recorder consort, jazz ensembles and the chamber orchestra, there was much to enjoy. 

Our choral programme has always been strong. For the first time this year, a Barber Shop group performed, followed by a polished recital from the Performers Choir singing ‘Side by Side’ and ‘Pink Panther.’ The Jazz Band gave a toe-tapping finale with ‘Up Town Funk’ and ‘Thriller.’ 

Life without music is hard to imagine. It adds so much colour and expression in almost every area of our lives. In closing, Principal, Mr Cassie, envious of the boys’ ability to play, commended the boys not only for their talent but also their diligent practice to bring them to this level. This has been an exceptionally busy week for the School and he, like the large audience of family members, thoroughly enjoyed the concert, saying that after a full-on day, an evening filled with music had the ability to soothe the soul. Yes, life without music is hard to imagine! 

Our thanks to Director of Music, Mrs Janet Grierson, fellow teacher, Mrs Georgina Jarvis and our itinerant music teachers attending on the night, Mr Paul Herbert, Mr Sam Harnett, Mr Matt Baker, Mrs Louise Inglis, Mr Paul Herbert, Mr Martin Harmdai, Mr Brendan Agnew and Mr Matt Baker.

Orchestra                           Gonna Fly Now, When I’m 64
Charles Adams                 Vocalist
Sunny Le                            Piano
Gabriel Lee                        Violin
Oscar Van Druten            Trumpet
Guitar Group                    Charlie Astwick, Austin Alcock, Jacob Barnes, Arden Matheson.
Jimmy Kemble                 Flute                                         
Recorder Consort            Aura Lee/Buffalo gals, Bouffons
Eden Zhang                       Piano
Jazz Combo                       Oscar Van Druten, trumpet; Sunny Le, piano; Marco Lazzaro, saxophone, Sam Harnett, double bass; Zavier Edmonds, drum kit.
Barber Shop                     Doo Doo Cannon          
Alexander Dennis            Viola 
Chamber Group               Sunny Le, piano; Gabriel Le, violin; Eden Chan, violin.
Austin Alcock                   Guitar
Choir                                   Side by Side, Pink Panther
Jazz Band                           Up Town Funk, Thriller


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