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Boys' School

Boys' School Music Extravaganza

26 August 2015

Boys' School Music Extravaganza

August 26, 2015 at 11:03 AM

Can you imagine a world without music? No songs, no tunes, no rock, no roll, no jazz, no hymns, no pop, no symphonies, no singing in the shower! 

Sinatra couldn't fly to the moon. Elvis couldn't complain about people stepping on his blue suede shoes. There would be no Rocket Man from Elton John and no Piano Man from Billy Joel. Willie Nelson might go on the road again but it would have to be without his guitar. Brides would walk down the aisle to what? Nursery rhymes would be chanted not sung, and imagine the impact of only reciting ‘Happy Birthday to you.’

In ‘that’ world, school music programmes, choirs, bands and orchestras would have no place. How thankful we can be then, to know that we live in ‘this’ world; a world that has the gift of music!

Last night, those that attended the Music Extravaganza at the Boys’ School enjoyed that gift of music; delivered by a range of boys with the gift of musical talent. Hosted by students, Jack Sandelin and Nathan Bailey, the concert opened with the largest ensemble, the Symphonic Orchestra playing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ and ‘Chariots of Fire.’ This group has experienced players alongside those who are just beginning, to give the new players support and experience.

The evening was filled with some fantastic solo performances from our more accomplished young musicians, showing a depth and breadth of talent that belied their years. They were followed by a set from our Performers’ Choir. Twenty four boys from the choir will be going on a cultural tour to Noumea shortly, where they will be performing in several concerts and attending classes with students at College George Bourdeaux. The soloists and choir members introduced themselves and their pieces both in English and French in preparation!

The evening closed with the Jazz Band who recently performed at the Jazz Café held at the College. These experienced performers gave a strong performance finishing with the ever-popular ‘Rock Around the Clock.’

Life without music is hard to imagine. It adds so much colour and expression in almost every area of our lives. In closing, Principal, Mr Cassie, envious of the boys’ ability to play, commended the boys not only for their talent but also their diligent practice to bring them to this level. He, like the large audience of family members, thoroughly enjoyed the concert, saying that after a busy day, an evening filled with music had the ability to soothe the soul. Yes, life without music is hard to imagine!

Our thanks to Director of Music, Mrs Janet Grierson, fellow teacher, Emma Chatterton and our itinerant music teachers attending on the night, Mr Paul Herbert, Mr Ross Hurley and Mrs Louise Inglis.

Solo and Small Ensemble Performers:

Lachlan Wong: Violin and Cello

Zac Lerner: Trumpet

Jazz Combo: Jack Beveridge  on saxophone, Sebastian Hardie on trombone, Ivan Ivanov on trumpet, James Harnett on clarinet and William Hadfield on tuba

James Harnett: Clarinet

Flute Ensemble: Ollie Edmonds, Jamie Robinson, Vinay Chichester, Akash Mudaliar and Jimmy Kemble

Recorder Trio: Jack Beveridge, Nathan Bailey and Ahryn Thomas

Jerry Jian: Piano

Guitar Trio: Ben Routley, William King and George Beca

Guitar-Recorder Duet: William and Thomas King

Jamie Robinson: Flute

Chamber Group: Jamie Robinson on flute, Thomas King and Nathan Bailey on recorder, Regan Fong on piano and Lachlan Wong on cello

Anthony Gu: Piano

Jack Beveridge: Saxophone

Drumming Duet: Zavier Edmonds and Ben Humphries

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