Boys' School Mothers' Morning Tea
Boys' School Mothers' Morning Tea
May 11, 2016 at 2:21 PM
After the success of last year’s inaugural event, Principal Mr Peter Cassie and his team of Year 8 helpers, once again donned aprons to wait on some very important members of the Boys’ School community – the mothers of our boys.
Whenever the Boys’ School needs assistance to put on an event, take a trip or simply needs an extra pair of hands to lighten the load, it is inevitable that our mothers are the first port of call with a request for help. The morning tea has become the one occasion where they can step back and let others do the work. So many times we ask for their assistance but this particular gathering was for the simple pleasure of enjoying being a mother.
The hall with transformed with crisp table linen and fine china with the boys lending a hand to do some of the ‘hard yards’ – organising food and beverages, unpacking china, helping set the tables, waiting on our guests and helping to clean up afterwards.
Classroom doors were opened wide early on for mothers to see their boys’ classes in action before the Pipes and Drums galvanised and solo piper, David Allan led the large group of mothers to the hall. Firstly, they were shown a video of a job interview for a ‘Director of Operations,’ seeking ‘someone’ with qualifications in medicine, finance and the culinary arts. ‘Someone’ with a happy disposition who is prepared to work for 365 days a year for no salary….in short, a mother!
Mrs Hiddleston welcomed the guests before Reverend Reuben Hardie said grace, asking God to bless the special bond between mother and son. No sooner had he finished speaking than Mr Cassie was out and about with the teapot ensuring the teacups around the room were kept topped up!
Our guest speaker this year was journalist, news reader and now author, Niva Retimanu. Well recognised for her distinctive voice, Niva has been on the New Zealand airwaves for more than 20 years as a newsreader for Newstalk ZB. In 2006, after years of poor lifestyle choices she recognised that she needed to ‘get her life in order’ and, amongst other changes, took up running to lose weight. She competed in her first marathon in 2012 and has run six in cities all over the world. She made it clear that in entering races, it’s not been about the speed or the timing but the sheer tenacity to hang in there and finish! She knows what it means to finish last and doesn’t let that hold her back. Now 31 kilograms lighter and more bubbly than ever, her epic journey is chronicled in her book, ‘Leading From Behind’ - a call to people of all ages, shapes and sizes to get out and do something active!
Mr Cassie closed the morning acknowledging that there has been a change in family dynamics since he was a boy – today’s mothers are more likely to juggle careers with parenthood, and fathers are now taking a greater role. Parenting lasts a lifetime, he left our mothers with one simple message, ‘Enjoy your sons!’
Whilst the morning was not intended as a fundraiser, the surplus raised was donated in memory of a special member of the Saint Kentigern community, parent, Mrs Kirsten Falconer, who lost her battle with cancer. Proceeds will be donated to the KE Falconer Sports Fund set up to continue her great work supporting promising young sportswomen.
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