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Boys' School

Boys’ School Middle School Speech Competition 2019

24 June 2019

Boys’ School Middle School Speech Competition 2019

June 24, 2019 at 9:44 AM

Following on from the Senior School Speech Finals, nine Middle School speakers took the stage to present their speeches in front of a large audience. 

Students in Years 4 to 6 spent this term crafting their original speeches in the hope to win over the adjudicators, Wendy Petrie and Erica Kroger. From motivational messages, educational tips and entertaining pieces, all students presented well and covered a wide range of topics such as, climate change, the importance of being positive and the art of procrastination.

We were pleased to welcome One News television presenter, Wendy Petrie and actress, voice over artist and presenter, Erica Kroger to judge the speeches; never an easy task when the content and standard of presentation is so high! Both Wendy and Erica were judging the students on their originality, clarity, how well structured their speeches were and how the audience engaged with the speaker.

Winner, Year 6 student, Sebe Poole blew the judges away with his speech on ‘The Art of Procrastination’. Sebe explained that there are four different types of procrastinators, one being, ‘the anxious procrastinator; where you end up trying to fit way too much work and study in and never get around to having fun or rest, the fun procrastinator; where you’d rather be doing anything fun and exciting like playing sport or watching Dude Perfect on YouTube versus homework, the plenty of time procrastinator; where you wait until the very last minute to write your speech, and the perfectionist procrastinator; (now let’s make sure I get this right) where you never quite finish, as whatever you’re doing can always be better.’

Runner up was Year 6 student, Johnny Ormond with his speech ‘Be Positive’. Johnny educated the audience on the difference between an optimist and a pessimist, and how people who are optimistic and choose to see ‘a glass half full, rather than half empty’ live a happier and fulfilled life.

Due to the high calibre of speakers, Wendy and Erica decided to give Year 4 student, Ben Roberton and Year 5 student, Toby Wigglesworth special mentions for their speeches on integrity and surnames.

We thank Wendy and Erica for giving their time to come and adjudicate the speeches! We also wish Sebe all the best at the Remuera Zone and Lions Speech Competitions.

Well done to MCs George McGuinness and Joe Hayward and to our musicians, Eason Liu and Jaden Lee.

1st          Sebe Poole                        6AB        The Art of Prcrastination
2nd        Johnny Ormond                6AB        Be Positive

Max Carr                            6NB                      Real and Weird Facts
Will McLeod                      5AL                       Why I Always Say No
Ben Roberton                    4PF                        Integrity
Toby Wigglesworth         5AL                       What is a Name?
Jacob Hageman               6NB                      If I Ruled the World
Theo Colyer                       6AB                       The Tale of Climate Change
Scott Nel                            6AW                     Dare to Dream

Jaden Lee on clarinet
Eason on piano