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Boys' School

Boys’ School Instrumental Music Showcase

06 November 2018

Boys’ School Instrumental Music Showcase

November 06, 2018 at 3:30 PM

If you were going to pick up a musical instrument for the first time to learn, which instrument would you choose, how would you make your choice? The sound, the look, the opportunities involved – the chance to play as group or strike out solo? 

As a youngster, it may be a parent who makes the choice for you, but if you are a Junior at the Boys’ School, maybe the Instrumental Music Showcase is all you need to help you make your mind up! 

The JC Chalmers Hall was packed wall to wall this morning with boys, parents and invited guests for the annual Music Showcase; a morning when our leading musicians have a chance to share their talents and showcase their instruments. 

The audience was welcomed into the hall by the Pipes and Drums, before the Symphonic Orchestra picked up the strains with ‘Pirates of the Caribbean.’ The Orchestra is a mix of both beginner and experienced players, with those already well-skilled, taking on section leadership. Following their performance, each section – string, woodwind, percussion and brass - had a brief moment to showcase each of their instruments. 

 From violin, to viola to cello and onto to guitar and piano, the boys in the audience had a chance to appreciate the different sounds of each string instrument. Clarinets, saxophones, flutes, trumpets and trombones followed, but it was the deep rumble of the tuba that caught the boys off-guard, causing them to erupt with laughter! A good omen, maybe, for filling the future ranks of the brass section! 

Leading musicians had the chance to audition for a solo spot, with Gabriel Lee on violin, Marco Lazzaro on saxophone, Thomas Davies on trumpet, Sebastian Manson on flute, Austin Alcock on guitar and Sunny Lee on piano, all giving exceptional performances. In addition, we also heard from the recorder group and the gold medal winning Jazz Band, both giving confident recitals. 

The concert concluded with a newly-formed group, ‘The Jammers,’ comprising both staff and students who come together once a week to ‘jam’ for the sheer love of music. Their performance of a Celtic Medley certainly engaged the audience, right down to the youngest who were jiggling in time to the music!

Principal, Mr Peter Cassie closed the morning, once again in awe of the level of music being performed by boys who are only 8-14 years old. The music programme has always been strong at the Boys’ School and continues to be so with over 150 boys availing themselves of the itinerant programme with many, many more also learning an instrument at home. A show of hands showed the enormous extent of musical engagement within the School. 

Mr Cassie gave his thanks to the graduating Year 8 boys who have given so much to the programme over their time at the School, handing the baton to the Year 7 boys, as the senior players next year, to keep the musical flame alight! 

Our thanks to Mrs Janet Grierson, Mrs Georgina Jarvis and our itinerant music teachers for the fantastic work they do with the boys. Well done to all the performers!