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Boys' School

Boys’ School Grandparents’ Day

26 October 2018

Boys’ School Grandparents’ Day

October 26, 2018 at 6:09 PM

Hundreds of grandparents travelled to the Boys’ School yesterday to spend quality time with their grandsons on Grandparents’ Day. Some even travelled from as far as the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia to be there, with others dialling in by mobile phone to share the experience!

The sun was shining as the grandparents proudly made their way into the Sports Centre to be welcomed. Head Boy, Austin McKegg thanked the grandparents for being there to share the morning. He said that whilst many things, such as technological advances, may have changed over time since they had attended school, there are some things that will never change – referring to Saint Kentigern’s values of respect, integrity, service, excellence and love.

Student, Sam McLeod led a rousing Kapa Haka before Principal, Mr Peter Cassie acknowledged the grandparents and the ones who are no longer with us, but join in spirit.

Mr Cassie spoke about the boys’ outstanding efforts this year and in particular,  the many positive results in academic, music, sporting, cultural and service endeavours.

He also acknowledged the important role that grandparents play in the lives of our boys. He encouraged grandparents to keep their grandchild ‘real,’ reinforce the necessary manners and courtesies, and to teach them compassion and what it means to be a great citizen.

Following on, our gold medal-winning Jazz Band performed two toe-tapping pieces before Mr Cassie concluded the formalities with two entertaining and very tongue-in-cheek poems about grandparents!

Meanwhile up on the field, our boys were out in force, waiting excitedly to collect their special visitors for the morning. Faces lit up and hugs were shared as the boys headed off with their grandparents in hand to explore the campus.

To complete a busy morning, our guests were invited to share a sumptuous morning tea with entertainment by the choir and young pianist, Sunny Lee.

What a fantastic morning filled with love, joy and excitement for grandparents and boys alike!