Boys’ School Grandparents Day 2016
Boys’ School Grandparents Day 2016
October 27, 2016 at 10:48 AM
Grandparents travelled great distances to be with their grandsons yesterday morning. Some travelled from as far as England, America, Scotland and Australia and the ones who couldn’t make it used technology to share the boys’ special day with them.
The love and joy shown on each of the grandparent’s faces prove that distance is only a word.
Principal, Mr Peter Cassie welcomed our special guests and took a moment to acknowledge all the grandparents who couldn’t be with us today, knowing full well that they are with us in spirit.
‘As grandparents, is it important that you always have the upper hand, therefore, I encourage you to establish some clearly defined house rules that are non-negotiable so that parents and grandchildren are clear on your expectations.’
He then continued with a list of rules as a starting point for the grandparents, to which they could add to or alter accordingly. Top of the list were ‘parents by appointment only, sleepovers are welcome, hugs and kisses allowed, bed time negotiable, kitchen always open’ and the most important rule of all, ‘what happens here, stays here.’
Mr Cassie gave insight into one aspect of a Saint Kentigern education ‘Simple values of respect, integrity, service, excellence and love are critical as we prepare your grandsons to live in a complex and changing world, to ensure they become great citizens and go on to make a difference in their communities.’
For Head Boy, Isaac Mellis-Glynn, his grandparents and special friends are some of the most influential and important people in his life, as they are the people he can turn to for advice, support - and afternoon tea occasionally! He said, ‘Your smiles and love are endless and your caring personality never seems to alter, even when you see the hallway window give way to a cricket ball! You are role models for us all to look up to as every word that you speak is deliberately chosen, wise, thoughtful and kind.’
The special guests were treated to a performance from the Kapa Haka group and for the first time our two school choirs came together to sing two songs that they have been working on as a combined choir.
The boys waited excitedly outside the sports centre for their beloved grandparents to come out so they could show them what they have learnt and what they have created at school this year.
As each of the grandparents made their way out, the boys searched the crowds for their loved ones, once sighted their smiles exploded and they ran into their arms. Hand in hand the boys took their grandparents on a tour around the school and finished in the hall for morning tea.