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Boys' School

Boys’ School Gift Books

04 July 2017

Boys’ School Gift Books

July 04, 2017 at 3:34 PM

After the recent heavy rains that caused extensive flooding around the country, it came to the Boys’ School attention that Te Kohanga School in Tuakau had lost most of their books and sports equipment through flood damage.

Our School Council put a plan in action and the Year 6 councillors assisted with the collation of books and sports gear donated by our families to help their plight. Today, three of the Year 6 boys, Finn Jorgensen, Ricky Shen and Quinn Campbell, accompanied by Ms Chaney, Head of the Student Council and Deputy Principal, Mr Grayson Aspinall, visited their small school of 30 students. They were welcomed with a mini-assembly, a waiata and wonderful smiles of appreciation!

Approximately 500 books were delivered to the school. Te Kohanga Principal, Mrs Driver was extremely appreciative of our support and along with the donation from our Chapel collection, the school will now be able to provide uniforms for the students.

There is now an open invitation for their school to take a trip to the ‘Big Smoke’ to show off their uniforms and be hosted for a morning at the Boys’ School.

As well as supplying Te Kohanga, we also delivered, via Mr Steve Farrelly of the Breakfast Club, surplus book supplies of at least 250 books and junior readers to Glenn Innes School.  Mrs Collins, their Assistant Principal emailed us to express her sincere gratitude for the books; ‘Thank you...your gifting has made/will make a HUGE difference to my ‘little people’ and their learning journey at Glen Innes School.’ 

We thank our own Saint Kentigern community for their generous gifts and donations in support of this appeal; we are pleased we could make a difference.