Boys’ School Carol Service was Pure Gold
Boys’ School Carol Service was Pure Gold
December 21, 2022 at 7:59 AM
Each year, our Carol Service brings together the pride of Saint Kentigern Boys School with years of Christmas tradition for an incredibly special evening of remembrance. Inside the Cathedral, the Piper plays, and carollers sing to celebrate an end and a beginning. As our Year 8 boys relish their last few days at the school, others ponder on the first days of our Saviour's time on earth. It is a time for all to stop, reflect, and be grateful for our life in Jesus.
The murmurs in the packed Holy Trinity Cathedral quietened as the sound of the pipes by Boys’ School Piper Liam Jarvis from the Cathedral balcony echoed through the room, announcing the start of the service. Reverend Reuben Hardie called all who had gathered to worship. The evening began with a timeless song, 'Away in a Manger.' Principal Peter Cassie then welcomed all the guests before all in attendance stood to sing 'Joy to the World.'
The story of Jesus' birth did not begin in a manger as many may think. A man named Isaiah prophesied his birth, the place he would lay, and his character hundreds of years before it came to be. That is where our story begins. Head Boy Toby Wigglesworth started by reading the story of Christmas with this prophecy. The Bible encourages all that 'The people walking in darkness have seen a great light (Isaiah 9:2).' Melody Lui-Webster, our College Year 13 graduate followed the excerpt with a beautiful rendition of 'Mary Did You Know?' Toby's mother, Mrs Suzie Wigglesworth, rounded out the prophetic section by completing the prophecy of Jesus from Isaiah.
Once the prophecy was shared, the Junior School set the stage for Baby Jesus to enter the world by performing 'The Joy of the First Christmas.' Deputy Head Boy Oliver McGuinness read an excerpt from the Gospel of Luke. He described the events of Jesus' birth, followed by the Performers Choir and flautist Liam Zhao who performed 'What Child is This?' Throughout the evening, speakers and musicians weaved scripture and song together to paint a picture of the true meaning of Christmas.
After several more carols, Reverend Hardie invited three boys on stage to share his message and theme for this year’s Carol Service. He wrapped up by saying, “I imagine in your life you are going to have at your finger tips, positions of influence, of wealth and whatever your heart desires. With all that, I really hope that you will never forget that what matters most is on the inside because what is inside is pure gold.”
The final tradition of the Carols Service is the leaver's candle lighting. Reverend Hardie invited the Year 8 boys to remain in front as he blessed their journey into high school before Head Boy Toby and Deputy Head Boy Oliver led their peers from the cathedral to end the beautiful service.
The celebration reminded us of the importance of having a gratitude attitude. The end of a chapter for our leavers often nudges us to look back and see the journey with hindsight's wisdom. Looking forward, we hope our boys keep their eyes on what's important and their hearts like pure gold.