Boys' School Book Day and Literature Quiz
Boys' School Book Day and Literature Quiz
March 24, 2016 at 3:38 PM
Boys’ School Book Day and Literature Quiz
A popular premise for film makers these days is to put two characters from celebrated franchises into the same movie. The piece de resistance of this genre, ‘Batman vs Superman’ is playing at cinemas right now. Well, what about if the characters from your favourite books got together? The Famous Five could combine with the Secret Seven to form the Tumultuous Twelve! Robin Hood and Katniss Everdeen from ‘The Hunger Games’ might pair up as literature’s greatest bow and arrow duo.
The students at the Boys’ School got to see how these mishmashes would look at their celebration of World Book Day today. Harry Potter sat alongside the Three Musketeers! Tintin teamed up with a storm trooper out of Star Wars! Each of the boys came dressed as their favourite book character, using items of clothing from home. There was plenty of creativity on display, with props, face paint, hair colour and other accessories used to fully bring the books to life. While last year’s character of choice was Captain Underpants (complete with bare chests!) this morning’s stormy weather meant a warmer costume was required. Clearly the success of New Zealand sporting teams at world cups last year has had an influence on the boys’ reading, with many dressed as All Blacks and Black Caps stars clutching players’ biographies.
World Book Day is held annually in March to celebrate and promote authors, illustrators and the pleasure of reading. Encouraging children to develop the habit of reading is vitally important, and the visceral memory of the stories they read when they are young will stay with them forever. Who hasn’t gone to re-read Roald Dahl, Dr Seuss or Hairy Maclary when they are older and been transported back to their childhood? We are fortunate in New Zealand to have easy access to reading material, and especially at the Saint Kentigern campuses with libraries full to the gunwales of the latest young adult fiction and non-fiction titles. World Book Day helps to remind us of that privilege and make the most of it.
The staff had also dressed up as their favourite book character – with sport being a prevailing theme amongst them also – and once the boys had gathered in JC Chalmers Hall, some of teachers read passages from a book they love. Principal, Mr Peter Cassie did a very impressive impersonation of Willy Wonka, complete with a couple of oompa loompas in tow, as he read from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Head Boy, Isaac Mellis-Glynn and student librarian, Kevin He also performed readings before academic prefect, Akash Mudaliar spoke about how reading enhances imagination.
‘When we enter the world of books, we become lost in the journey of the characters, and emerge at the end, changed in some way. A book transports us into a magical world, which does not require a magic wand or spell.’
Today’s classwork was also dedicated to books and reading. The boys took part in workshops such as character profiling, book reviews and story planning. We were pleased to once again welcome regular Saint Kentigern guest, Stu Duval, who is a prolific author and illustrator of children’s books. Mr Duval visited the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools to give a demonstration of his talents with a story and drawing tailored to the boys’ learning levels.
Battle of the Books
This afternoon, the Year 7 and 8 boys took part in the inaugural inter-house literature quiz, also known as the Battle of the Books! In teams, the boys had to answer questions such as:
Name the teenage boy who hid in the annexe with Anne Frank.
Who wrote the classic story ‘The War of the Worlds’?
In the fairy tale, who helps the princess to spin the straw into gold?
What evil woman wants a coat made of puppies’ skins?
In which book would you find a thief called Fagin?
Which wooden toy had a father called Gepetto?
Name the author of Black Beauty.
What drink is served in the pub at Hogsmeade?
In ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, what food turned Violet Beauregarde purple?
There was a nervous tension in the Sports Centre as the boys racked their brains and trawled their memories to find the answers. After the Year 7 round, Cargill was in front ahead of Chalmers, with Wishart and Hamilton tied for third. The difficulty of the questions was ramped up for the Year 8 boys, but Cargill were able to stay in first place to become the first literature quiz champions! Chalmers came second, Hamilton third and Wishart was in fourth. Congratulations, Cargill!
Answers: Peter; H.G Wells; Rumpelstiltskin; Cruella de Vil; Oliver Twist; Pinocchio; Anna Sewell; Butterbeer/Fire Whiskey; Blueberry Pie Chewing Gum.
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