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Boys' School

Boys' and Girls' Schools Swimming House Relays

17 March 2015

Boys' and Girls' Schools Swimming House Relays

March 17, 2015 at 12:12 PM

Hot on the heels of the Boys’ and Girls’ School Swimming Finals each year are the House Swimming Relays as the last swimming event for Term 1. And hot it was on the baking autumn day last Friday. The electric charged event brought together both schools in a friendly day of competition and display of House participation, wrapped up with a whole lot of fun!

Once again, the relay was held at the Boys’ School swimming pool, for all contestants to battle it out for the title of House Relay champion. This event always draws a fantastic crowd of supporters along to the School. Family and friends all gathered on the banks surrounding the pool under the cool shade of the trees.

This year there was a new House costume theme thanks to the parents of the Wishart boys who made their sons ‘Wi-Mos’ – mini moustaches for their boys in yellow! Across all the Houses, the students’ fancy dress costumes were once again impressive and donned amidst coloured face paint, mascots and flag banners.

Principal of the Girls’ School, Dr Hastie and Principal of the Boys’ School, Mr Peter Cassie did a wonderful job of hosting the event and encouraging the students to keep up their fantastic sportsmanship to their fellow peers. There were House points to win for the best dance moves and parent participation was eagerly encouraged!

After the final senior boys relay had been swum, the teachers and students took to the water for their traditional fun race. Taking out the race this year was the Wishart boys who won by an arm’s length!

It was a fantastic day and all swimmers who participated can be proud of their efforts in another successful House Relay event.

Girls School House Results









Boys’ School House Results









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