Best Foot Forward for Fiji!
Best Foot Forward for Fiji!
May 20, 2016 at 2:45 PM
During the upcoming July holidays, a combined group of 46 students and parents from the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools, accompanied by Reverend Reuben Hardie, will be undertaking the schools’ second service trip to Fiji. Director of the Preschool, Mrs Sue Nash, will also be assisting, representing the Preschool’s fundraising efforts.
The group will be returning to Nawaka Village where they helped in the completion and opening of the village medical dispensary last year. This year, they will continue their good work at the dispensary as well as offer assistance at Nawaka District School and Nadi Arya Samaj School.
Both schools and the Preschool are currently gathering, purchasing and arranging shipment of items that the two Fijian schools desperately need and our thanks go to Mondiale who are assisting with the shipping container.
In one of their many fundraisers, this week the boys put their best foot forward for a little shine on their shoes to raise money for the trip! Before school and during morning tea today, boys were encouraged to line up to have their shoes polished by a willing band of shoe-shiners for donations of two dollars or more.
‘Customers’ were comfortably seated and offered a comic to read to pass the time whilst the ‘workers’ got down to the task with black shoe polish! At the same time, specially selected music echoed around the campus to drum up business.
Over 150 pairs of shoes, including those of Mr Cassie, were buffed to a high sheen this morning raising well over $300 in the process. Well done boys! The Girls’ School will also hold a Shoe Shine next week.
Following Cyclone Winston and the subsequent flooding, Fiji has faced tough times in recent months. Through the generosity of one of our parents, a container has been arranged through Mondiale to ship items that have been donated by our families for Fiji. The Schools and Preschool are collecting stationery supplies; summer clothing and shoes in good condition for babies, children and adults; medical supplies; educational games; sports equipment; bedding; and items of non-perishable food such as tins, rice, corned beef and cabin bread.
If you are able to help with any of these requests please contact Reverend Reuben Hardie at the Boys’ School.