Awards for Mapping Contest
Awards for Mapping Contest
August 12, 2021 at 9:03 AM
Cartography, also known as map-making, has been a part of human history for thousands of years. From cave paintings to the ancient maps of Babylon and Greece, through to the Age of Discovery and into the 21st century, people have created and used maps to help define and navigate their way across the globe.
Earlier, the senior girls worked on developing their knowledge of mapping skills, identifying and locating countries on world maps, as well as cities, land and water features on maps of Aotearoa.
The students went on to design their own pictorial maps that shone light on their representation of the world, raising awareness around current world or environmental issues. The theme for the competition was, ‘Our Future World’. The girls entered their work into the New Zealand Cartographic Society’s Children’s Maps Competition to be judged on their message, cartographic content and quality of execution. Six Saint Kentigern girls were delighted to hear they had been awarded prizes:
1st Kitty Yan 13-15 years category 'Beyond the Tree'
3rd Atina Hu 13-15 years category 'Le Petit Prince'
1st Vesa Zajmi, Emma Liu and Alina Chen 9-12 years category 'Eggcellent World'
3rd Zoe Dodson 9-12 years category 'The cycle of Life'.
The winning entries will go on to represent New Zealand at an international cartography conference.
Well done girls!