Athletics/Tabloid Sport Day
Athletics/Tabloid Sport Day
December 01, 2014 at 1:08 PM
Off to the Boys’ School we headed on the bus ready for our Preschool Athletics/Tabloid Sports Day.
The preschoolers loved being in the big, spacious gymnasium which was a perfect venue for all the activities we had planned. The children fuelled up on a pre-athletics snack of juice and biscuits before breaking into supervised groups for a day of skill and fun.
There was a wide variety of activities set up to challenge the youngsters in their running, jumping and throwing skills –all with an element of fun thrown in! The groups rotated through the hurdles, sack races, rubber javelin throwing, high jump, basketball, bean bag throw, soccer goals, cone and ball balance, hoop jump and rubber chicken toss. Yes, that was a rubber chicken toss…now a trademark piece of equipment at the Girls’ School and Preschool athletics!
All the children participated so well, trying their best and cheering on their friends. There were plenty of parent helpers on hand to help us out and more on the side lines to give support. They seemed to enjoy it every bit as much as the children - some of them even joined in - and we thank them for being there.
Athletics day is not quite the same if the children don’t have a chance to see what their parents and teachers can do! The adult sack race was so much fun to watch and cheer – especially when some fell over!