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Boys' School

Artwork for Starship

01 September 2017

Artwork for Starship

September 01, 2017 at 4:04 PM

Earlier this year, each class at the Boys’ School worked to prepare a group artwork for the Brushes and Bids Art Auction evening. Year 6 class, 6AW, put their ideas together and decided to create a piece that explored New Zealand’s Maori heritage and our whenua Aotearoa. They wanted to make a connection with our history and culture, yet create a piece with a modern twist. Working with a central theme of a koru, the artwork was assembled from pastel on individual squares of wood, that were mounted to create a single artwork. 

On auction night, a group of parents combined resources to make a joint purchase, with the aim of donating the 6AW’s piece to Starship Hospital. A photo of the work was sent to the hospital Art Curator, who determined that the artwork was indeed good enough for display alongside other artworks, both professional and amateur, that brighten the hospital corridors. 

On behalf of the class, Ricky Shen, Astin Palenski, Max Irwin, Bruno Cullen, Josh Daly and James Chambers delivered the artwork to Starship Foundation this week – they thought the piece was fantastic! Well done 6AW!