Art Students Inspired by Gallery Visit
Art Students Inspired by Gallery Visit
March 02, 2016 at 8:42 AM
Our senior NCEA history of art and IB Diploma visual art students are full of creative inspiration following a visit to the galleries at Pah Homestead and Rannoch House this week. The trip was part of the students’ participation in the Perch Project, a new initiative by the Wallace Arts Trust. The competition asks students to submit a proposal for the curation of an exhibition comprised of works from the Trust’s collection, which will open in the Little Gallery or Boardroom at Pah Homestead in September.
The students were given a guided tour of both of the venues by Zoe Hoeberigs, who runs the Trust’s education programme. The opportunity to interact with the artworks and experience the exhibition spaces gave the students plenty of ideas and energy for the proposals. The entries will have to consider every aspect of curating an art show, such as target audience, theme, medium, past exhibitions, lighting, signage and hanging design.
The Perch Project corresponds with the students’ assessments, including the relationship between art and context, the impact of processes such as curation and exhibition on art works, and the different values placed on art.
Studying History of Art at the College
History of art is offered at NCEA Level 3, leading on from study of history, media studies or classical studies. Students learn to analyse and interpret works of art within their cultural and historical context, which contributes to an understanding of contemporary art and culture. Through a mix of internal and external assessments, students investigate the relationships between art, artists and society, the technical and stylistic conventions and formal and expressive properties of an artwork and the different ways in which values are attached to art.
The history of art is also taught as part of the visual art option within the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. In Year 12, the history of art element includes a comparative study of a range of genres and contexts of art. In Year 13, students undertake an inquiry-based project that demonstrates knowledge of traditional and contemporary art, create an individual and group exhibition, critique visited exhibitions and analyse curatorial practice.