Another Prestigious Tertiary Scholarship for 2014 NCEA Dux!
Another Prestigious Tertiary Scholarship for 2014 NCEA Dux!
February 16, 2015 at 10:42 AM
We are delighted to hear that NCEA Dux for 2014, Sian Seeley, has been awarded yet another significant tertiary award.
At Senior Prizegiving last year, Sian was not only named Dux but was also awarded a Saint Kentigern Tertiary Scholarship and The University of Auckland Faculty of Business and Economics Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship.
Since receiving her NCEA results, Sian has reviewed her options and is excited to be awarded a Monash University (Melbourne) Scholarship for Excellence which equates to approximately $31,250, being a grant of $6,000 per year over 5¼ years study!
Sian’s NCEA score, when converted to the Australian Standard (ATAR), put her at 99.9% out of maximum of 99.95%, placing her in the top 1% of students entering University.
Sian will be studying Engineering/Commerce at Monash and is looking forward to flying to Melbourne on 23rd February to commence her orientation week for University.
Congratulations Sian, we wish you well for your studies!