Amazing Debut Performance From Mia!
Amazing Debut Performance From Mia!
November 03, 2016 at 1:56 PM
When the Girls' School attends their chapel each week at Somervell Church, the girls have come to enjoy organist, Dr Michael Jenkins playing a recital to conclude the service. Dr Jenkins carefully selects each piece, sharing his expertise and expanding the girls' understanding of classical and sacred music.
This week, the girls had a special surprise when diminutive Year 5 student, Mia Li stepped up to the organ, placed her hands on the key board and feet on the pedals. Wow! What a performance she gave playing Handel’s Sonatina in D minor brilliantly!
We learnt that whilst Mia has been learning the piano for five years, she only took up the organ last term, receiving lessons from Dr Jenkins. It was hard to believe that Mia had been learning for such a short time!
When asked how long he had been playing, Dr Jenkins wasn't giving anything away! He simply said, 'Since I was 17!'
Well we know he's been playing for the Girls' School, and Corran before that, for well over 30 years so he's certainly had time to hone his skills!
Congratulations to Mia on her debut recital, we really enjoyed it. Well done!