All the Tea in China
All the Tea in China
May 16, 2017 at 4:35 PM
This morning was that time of year, when Principal, Mr Peter Cassie and his team of Year 8 helpers dusted off their aprons and got down to the serious business of waiting on some very important members of the Boys’ School community – the mothers of our boys!
Whenever the Boys’ School needs assistance to put on an event, take a trip or simply needs an extra pair of hands to lighten the load, it is inevitable that our mothers are the first port of call with a request for help. The Mothers’ Morning Tea has become the one occasion where they can step back and let others do the work. So many times we ask for their assistance but this particular gathering was for the simple pleasure of enjoying being a mother.
Themed ‘All the Tea in China,’ the hall with transformed with crisp table linen and row upon row of fine china, with the boys lending a hand to do some of the ‘hard yards’ – organising food and beverages, waiting on our guests and helping to clean up afterwards.
The classroom doors were opened wide early on for mothers to see their boys’ classes in action before pipers, Nicholas Berry and Nick Forgie led our guests to the hall.
In her words of welcome on behalf of the Parents and Friends, Mrs Philly Hiddleston gave cause for reflection saying, ‘While there are times when busy family, school, and work commitments can seem overwhelming, we should remember we are blessed to have the opportunity and ability to participate, support, help and ultimately ‘belong.’ For many women and children in communities not very far from here, for reasons many of us find distressing, a sense of belonging is something they may never have. With this in mind, proceeds from today’s event will go to the Women’s Refuge and the Auckland City Mission – organisations who both help to create some sense of belonging for those less fortunate.’
Reverend Reuben Hardie offered a blessing for the special bond between mother and son. No sooner had he finished speaking than Mr Cassie was out and about with his teapot ensuring the teacups around the room were kept topped up! Meanwhile, accomplished pianist, Year 7 student, Sunny Le, played the background music.
Guest speaker for the morning was Nicky Pellegrino; author of nine novels, a previous editor of the NZ Women’s Weekly, a feature writer for the Listener and freelance journalist. Born in the UK, she spent her childhood summers with her family in southern Italy. As a shy child, amongst the exuberance of Italian life, she had a tendency to remain quiet and simply observe. When Nicky started writing fiction, it was her memories of those summers in Italy that came flooding back and flavoured her stories; the passions, the feuds but most of all the food. Listening to her, as she spoke about her passion for writing, it was hard to imagine she was ever once shy! The mothers each received a copy of Nicky’s latest novel ‘Under Italian Skies.’
With his apron back on the peg, the final words were given to Mr Cassie who told the mothers that the role they play in the lives of their sons can never be underestimated. He said that over a lifetime, he had come to learn that:
1) It’s not easy being a mother, if it were fathers would do it.
2) Life doesn’t come with a manual it comes with a mother…
We offer our sincere thanks to Mrs Philly Hiddleston for organising this morning’s event and to the Administration staff, Mrs Sue Bowskill, Mrs Julie Rand and their team of fellow helpers for all their work to ensure the morning ran smoothly with plenty to eat and drink.
Our grateful thanks to the following sponsors:
Heritage Hotel Group, Dominion Construction, Sabato, Louise Gray Skin Care, 2 Smart Cookies, Davis Trading - Lane Family, La Praire.