Adventures in Shakespeare Regional Park: Year 5 & 6 Girls' Camp and Epic Lip Sync Battle!
Adventures in Shakespeare Regional Park: Year 5 & 6 Girls' Camp and Epic Lip Sync Battle!
March 06, 2023 at 1:56 PM
On Monday, the 20th of February, an excited group of Year 6 students made their way to Shakespeare Regional Park in Whangaparoa to experience all that camp has to offer. The girls were ready to engage with the numerous land and water-based activities designed to challenge their resilience, build their confidence and develop their cooperation skills.
On arrival, the girls saw many familiar sites, having spent two nights at the camp for Year 5. After moving into their bunks and setting up their new homes, the girls needed an ocean swim! Heading to the highest point in the Regional Park, the girls were spoilt with an envious view.
The many activities on offer packed the next two days to the brim. From safe boating skills to air rifle shooting and rock climbing, the smiles on faces spoke loudly of girls realising their capabilities, taking on any challenge head-on.
On Wednesday, the campsite became a lot busier with the arrival of our Year 5 friends. With the Year 5 girls moving into the cabins, our Year 6 cohort faced a new challenge, spending the night in a tent! Armed with only their pillow, sleeping bag and water bottle, it was set to be a night far from the plush comfort of their bedrooms at home. The new arrivals quickly made themselves at home, lunching in the park and having a swim.
Wednesday saw the debut of the Saint Kentigern Girls’ Lip Sync Battle. Teams of Year 5 and 6 students choreographed a lip-syncing routine, showcasing their creativity and enthusiasm. A Madagascar-inspired parent performance set the bar high for the students, and a memorable teacher performance closed out the night.
Thursday saw some exhausted Year 6 students departing camp, leaving our Year 5 cohort in charge with a day of activities ahead. The variety of offers stood out with a mix of water and land-based activities highlighted by popular favourites such as archery and bush cooking!
The consistent positivity while away from home, full participation through all the activities and the drive to push out of their comfort zones made this camp incredibly special. Thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who gave up their time to support the girls and the knowledgeable YMCA staff. Bring on next year!