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30 Years of Service

27 July 2015

30 Years of Service

July 27, 2015 at 8:35 AM

A faithful servant to the Saint Kentigern community was tearfully bid farewell last week. Carol Vela has retired after 30 years in the Property Services team at the College, having joined in July, 1985. She has been a highly valued member of staff who took huge pride in the presentation of the College campus. Regarded as level headed, no nonsense and hardworking, Carol will be dearly missed by her colleagues. 

Property manager Greg Noble paid tribute to Carol for her many years of loyal and dedicated service, ‘A privilege for me, and a testament to Carol and the grounds team, is to hear from visitors and staff on a regular basis how good the grounds look.’

During the 63 years that the College has occupied the site, the work to improve our facilities has been continual. From the windswept muddy fields of the early 50’s, top class sports fields, immaculate buildings, beautiful trees and carefully tended gardens have emerged, creating one of the most attractive school campuses in Auckland. Carol and her fellow team members over the years have played a key part in this.

Property Services Supervisor, Rodger Villis says Carol will ‘leave a huge hole in the team’. ‘She has been a joy to work with and there are a lot of people who are going to miss that smiling face and the ever-present jovial attitude.’  

We wish Carol all the best in her retirement and thank her for 30 years of commitment to Saint Kentigern.