2021 Boys’ School Leavers’ Tie Presentation
2021 Boys’ School Leavers’ Tie Presentation
November 26, 2021 at 11:58 AM
This week, our Boys’ School took the opportunity of being back on campus to host a special assembly to honour Year 8 graduates for all they have done and achieved as they prepare to transition to college. In keeping with required restrictions, our Year 8 students entered the hall by class, with each senior boy coming forward to the stage to light a candle and receive their leavers’ tie.
In his address, Principal Mr Peter Cassie acknowledged the boys and reminded them to think of all that they have achieved and be proud of their contribution. He said, “As you embark on your journey ahead, there will be challenges, however, your achievements, successes and growth as an individual will far outweigh them. Be the very best you can be in all that you do and be that great citizen that helps others.”
Year 8 Dean Mr Steve Aucamp commended the boys for living up to the values, looking out for, and respecting one another. “Every one of you has plenty to offer in a wide range of areas. Our world is changing daily, and you are going to shape the future for the rest of us. Take every opportunity offered to you with both hands,” Mr Aucamp added.
In sharing a blessing, Chaplain Reverend Reuben Hardie reflected on a song ‘The little light of mine’ that the boys have sung many times over the years. “We all have a light, and we have seen your light grow stronger and stronger. I want to encourage you to let your light shine for the world to see. You have so much to offer.”
We wish the Year 8 leavers all the best for their next school adventures!