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The 2020 Preschool Christmas Concert

10 December 2020

The 2020 Preschool Christmas Concert

December 10, 2020 at 12:04 PM

To wrap up the year, the preschoolers put on their Santa hats and made their way to the Girls’ School Hall for their annual Christmas Concert. Being a highlight on the calendar, parents and invited guests quickly filled the hall to watch their children perform.

The children spent the last term learning the actions and words to nine of their favourite songs and took turns performing at the front of the stage – faces lit up as each of the children spotted their loved ones in the audience.

Following the fun, they held a prizegiving for their earlier cross country event, with the fastest runners awarded certificates and trophies. This was a very special moment for both the parents and children.

The youngsters put on a fantastic show, with some parents even mentioning their cheeks hurt from smiling so much! Principal, Nikki Joyce concluded by thanking all parents and friends for attending and encouraged them to make their way to the Preschool to enjoy some refreshments together, and say hello to Santa!

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