2018 External Academic Results: NCEA
2018 External Academic Results: NCEA
January 29, 2019 at 4:30 PM
With thanks to Mrs Angee Robertson, Deputy Principal
It is always with great interest that our teaching staff come together at the start of a new year to reflect on the achievements of our Senior College students in their end of year external examinations. Each year brings slightly different rewards but, overall, our 2018 results in both NCEA and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma were most pleasing, reaffirming the strength of our teaching and learning programmes.
In particular, we are extremely proud of Andrew Chen’s perfect score of ‘45’ in ‘IB.’ The full IB Diploma results and with student highlights have been reported separately. Here, we highlight the NCEA results.
The majority of our students sit the NCEA and we have seen some positive academic gains this year. Highlights include the 100% pass rate at Level 2, and 99.6% at Level 3. Of greatest note is the continued rise in the number of students who have strived for and attained either an Excellence or Merit Endorsement, demonstrating our continued focus on striving for academic excellence. There are many students who can be justifiably proud of their results and the hard work undertaken to achieve them.
Of further note, we have a substantial number of students who gained high enough results to be awarded Saint Kentigern Academic Colours and Honours, testament to student effort to achieve at the highest level.
89.8% of our Year 13 NCEA graduates gained University Entrance, along with 92% of our IB Diploma students. A number of our top scholars in both qualifications have excelled at the very highest level and have gained a world-class qualification.