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Girls' School

2014 Girls' School Grandparents' Day

28 October 2014

2014 Girls' School Grandparents' Day

October 28, 2014 at 8:45 AM

The girls were very excited about our recent Grandparents' morning. This was a very special event on our School calendar and this year we hosted a record number of 250 grandparents and special friends in celebrating the important role they play in the lives of our students.

The morning started off with a warm welcome from the Girls’ School Principal, Dr Sandra Hastie who said the girls were thrilled to have their grandparents with them, some of who had travelled from as far afield as Australia. Outlining the morning’s programme, Dr Hastie firstly thanked those grandparents who had adopted a grandchild for a couple of hours as she knew this really meant a lot to the girls whose grandparents were unable to be there.

Dr Hastie highlighted the Girls’ School major fundraiser for 2015; a special event to visit Gibbs Farm, a world class sculpture park with exotic animal artwork such as giraffes and zebras. The private farm is located next to the Kaipara Harbour, an hour north of Auckland, and visitors walk the land to view the impressive artwork collection that is not generally open to the public. Dr Hastie expressed that this is a unique opportunity to experience and that tickets will be limited. Funds from the event, hosted by the Parents and Friends Association, will go towards developing a new playground for the junior girls to enjoy as the School continues to grow.

Various entertainers from the School took to the stage to perform their acts from recently held showcase evenings. The Year 6 dance troupe performed a dramatic dance sequence; Kate Frazer, Year 5, acted out ‘The Yellow One’ with her bubbly characterisation; Year 0-2 sang ‘The Silly Hat Song’ and the Year 8 students rapped the amusing ‘Gran Rap.’ As a finale, the whole school joined on stage for a joyful ‘Colour My World.’

The book sale, held in the Library, was popular once again, with excited girls deliberating with their grandparents on what book to choose. All book purchases were for donation back to the Library and will be finished with a bookplate inscription of the girls’ names, leaving their own legacy to reading at the School.

After the girls had proudly shown their grandparents around their classrooms and the grounds, it was time for morning tea and a chance to mingle in the hall. This year, the refreshments were sponsored by Miranda Smith Homecare and we thank them for their very generous support providing the hot drinks and morning tea.

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